Do you have 20 red, raised pimples?
Are you or your child frustrated with acne breakouts and searching for new treatment options? Right here in Austin, a two-week long acne research study is enrolling at DermResearch. Qualified participants ages 9 and up will be seen by a board-certified dermatologist, and will receive compensation between $2050 and $2400 for time and travel.
Not sure if you have mild or severe acne? Check out our acne board on Pinterest to see some examples.
Ready to sign-up? Fill out the form below to get invited to a screening call.
Need more information before you sign up? Find out what to expect from the screening process and as a participant in our study or call 512-349-0500.
Need more information before you sign up? Find out what to expect from the screening process and as a participant in our study or call 512-349-0500512-349-0500.
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Click here to refer a friend and you could earn $250 if they are enrolled!